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Prosecutor Starmer targets citizens & Elon Musk's X

Former UK prosecutor and new Prime Minister, Keir Starmer has branded protesters as “far right” thugs, lashing out at social media companies where the hashtag #FarRightThugsUnite has begun trending on X.

Radha Stirling, founder of Detained in Dubai and Due Process International is alarmed at Starmer’s "far right thug" rhetoric, ​asserting “it’s the manufactured rhetoric needed to be the excuse to increase authoritarian rule and target social media companies where user generated narrative is free to develop outside the historic control of government shaped propaganda”.

Stirling advocates against appointing prosecutors to prime ministerial or presidential roles. “Their job is to represent the state against the people. Starmer worked with the US government to target Julian Assange and have him locked up in Belmarsh under appalling conditions for years.

While the UK and its Western allies have criticised countries like Saudi and China for authoritarian rule, censorship and the erosion of basic human freedoms, Starmer aims to progress the globalist agenda to do exactly that. Creating an environment that leads to protests, riots, dissent and division is exactly what authoritarians wat. The next step is to slander and demonise citizens to justify expansive powers that will remain in force forever.

Branding citizens far right thugs or similar is a ploy to deprive people of freedoms. It starts with curtailing free speech and ends with ‘emergency measures’ like spying on citizens, arresting them under far reaching terrorism laws or freezing their bank accounts as we saw with the Canadian truckers. Where does it end?

“The old military strategy of divide and conquer is effective in the government’s war against the people. The real fight of the British people is for their right to self govern, to have their voices heard and be involved in the discussion, debate and decisions that shape their future. But the UK government has other ideas and they don’t want citizen input. The government wants to be the only one dictating the media narrative and they want citizens to do exactly what they’re told for the benefit of big banks, big pharma, multinationals and the industrial war complex”.

”Keir Starmer’s ostensible attempt to change the talking point to cracking down on protesters and social media platforms shows us the true agenda of his government - to make you compliant and obedient tools of the global regime”.


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