Radha Stirling is the leading exponent of highlighting human rights abuses and assisting those caught in legal disputes in Dubai, and the UAE. She had a key role in the famous failed freedom escape of Princess Latifa.
Radha also discusses past cases such as the woman locked up for calling someone a horse online and goes on to explain how she founded her organisation (Detained in Dubai) without having any connection to Dubai.
The conversation turns the spotlight on Sheikh Mohammed, #Dubai's ruler, and how his political outlook has changed, becoming more authoritarian.
What Radha says could change your perception of Dubai, a popular holiday destination for millions.
Chris Sweeney is a feature writer and author. Follow him @writes_sweeney
Detained in Dubai: http://www.detainedindubai.org
Detained in Doha: https://www.detainedindoha.org
Radha Stirling: http://www.radhastirling.com
CLAN - Crypto Legal Advocacy Network - https://www.bitclan.org/
Due Process International: http://www.dueprocess.international
IPEX - Interpol & Extradition Reform & Defence Experts - https://www.ipexreform.com/
Podcast: http://www.gulfinjustice.news
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6KH20nw...
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/detainedindubai
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/detainedindu...
Email: info@detainedindubai.org